Leading graphic tablet and pen display tablet manufacturer. Designed for your creative work, digital art Industries. Applicable for Microlecture, Online teaching & eLearning Industries.
About Huion and Huion Tablets
Where you can buy officially Huion tablet and products in Singapore with Local warranty. Shop for excellent graphic drawing tablets, Huion Pen Display tablets for Creative Industries, #HBL (Home Base Learning), Online teaching and online Learning experiences.
Kamvas 13 with directly connect to TypeC Android connection
Kamvas RDS 160 with sRGB 145%
Kamvas 22-Plus+ with sRGB 120% for professional Artist
Kamvas Pro 24 [4K] for super 4K studio workflow
Inspiroy Dial 620M (wireless & window dial a +PLUS)
Huion Inspiroy RTM-500 (BEST suitable for #HBL Online Teaching and eLearning)
Inspiroy RTS-300 for kids & beginner
Inspiroy KeyDial KD200 Bluetooth 5 with KeyDial ( Best for teacher/presentation ) where you can remote control your laptop with KeyDial.

Huion Singapore Official Store. Where you can buy officially with one year Local (Singapore) warranty.
Corporate Purchase: WhatsApp: +90926062