About Huion and Huion Tablets
Leading graphic tablet and pen display tablet manufacturer. Designed for your creative work, digital art Industries. Applicable for Microlecture, Online teaching & eLearning Industries.
Where you can buy officially Huion tablet and products in Singapore with Local warranty. Shop for excellent graphic drawing tablets, Huion Pen Display tablets for Creative Industries, #HBL (Home Base Learning), Online teaching and online Learning experiences.
- Kamvas 13 with directly connect to TypeC Android connection
- Kamvas RDS 160 with sRGB 145%
- Kamvas 22-Plus+ with sRGB 120% for professional Artist
- Kamvas Pro 24 [4K] for super 4K studio workflow
- Inspiroy Dial 620M (wireless & window dial a +PLUS)
- Huion Inspiroy RTM-500 (BEST suitable for #HBL Online Teaching and eLearning)
- Inspiroy RTS-300 for kids & beginner
- Inspiroy KeyDial KD200 Bluetooth 5 with KeyDial ( Best for teacher/presentation ) where you can remote control your laptop with KeyDial.