DigitLand Pte Ltd

Premier @ Kaki Bukit
Blk-10  KakiBukit Avenue 4
Unit #05-67
Singapore 415874
(Huion Singapore Authorised Distributor)

Email : dgl.huion[@]

Social Media

Facebook page:  Huion.Singapore.Official
Instragram: huion.singapore


Huion Singapore official online store
Where you can buy officially and shop for excellent Huion drawing tablets in Singapore. Huion Inspiroy series graphic drawing tablets and Huion Kamvas series pen displays tablets comes with local warranty.

14 + 9 =

This is the place where you can buy your HUION products officially with Singapore Local warranty.

Huion SG - contact us icon

Checking Stock & Promotion

WhatsApp:  +65 8159 8577

Education & Corporate Purchase Enquiry

WhatsApp:  +65 9092 6062

DigitLand Pte Ltd

Premier @ Kaki Bukit
Blk-10  KakiBukit Avenue 4
Unit #05-67
Singapore 415874
(Huion Singapore Authorised Distributor)

Social Media

Facebook page:  Huion.Singapore.Official
Instragram: huion.singapore


Checking Stock & Promotion
WhatsApp: +65 8159 8577

Corporate Purchase Enquiry:
Contact /WhatsApp:
+65 9092 6062

Email : dgl.huion[@]

How to come:
10 min walk from KakiBukit MRT ( Exit A )
Landmark:  Just in front of Vicom ( KakiBukit Car Inspection centre )

By car:  Come in from Gate-2  Entrance
—  our building is on the left
—  just above the road side coffee shop 
Carpark: – Please enter our building basement carpark.
( it is NOT ONLY for season parking 🙂 )

click to visit our shop
Huion Pen Tablets
Tablet Accessories
Huion Pen Display Monitor Tablet
Merchandise item